Off-Season Parking


Off-season parking spaces in the Fishers Island Yacht Club parking lot located between the FIYC and the Goose Island Service Station are available via an application process. They are available to FIYC members and slip holders, as well as non-members, contractors, and members of the Fishers Island community.

Any member, non-member, slip holder, contractor, or community member wishing to use FIYC’s parking lot between November 1st through April 30th MUST apply for an off-season parking permit.

Off-season Monthly parking permits are $75 per month.

Member: Long term or overnight parking requires a parking permit designated by vehicle.

Off-Season slip renter:  Overnight and daily parking permitted and requires a pass designated by vehicle. 1 pass/vehicle per slip.

Non-Members/Contractor/Community Member: Overnight & daily parking permitted and requires a pass designated by vehicle.

Parking permits will guarantee you a designated parking space for your vehicle. License plate information is required. Spaces will be granted on a first come-first served basis to qualified applicants. 

Failure to obtain an authorized parking permit will result in fines. Vehicles without authorized FIYC parking permits will have their information recorded in a violation ledger. The violation ledger will be referenced when considering future applications for offseason parking permits. 


Apply for a Permit

If you are in need of a short-term parking permit, please inquire with the Club Manager Beth Arsenault (